Step 3 in this case is working up details on the cloth and the dish (whilst waiting for the lemons to dry). Painting cloth is an exercise in tone. Get the tones correct and it will look like cloth. It's easier to find the tones using a greyscale underpainting like this, which will later be glazed. Start with a range of premixed tones on your pallette and simply 'look and put' the correct tones on the painting. For soft cloth the edges need to be blended. To get the effect of the fabric texture I used a stippling method with a lightly loaded dry brush. Details of the dish were worked up using a small brush. Drawing ovals is quite difficult, so I took a photo of the painting and uploaded this to the laptop. I overlaid the images to see where my drawing was out and then used this info to correct the drawing. I also gave the background a further coat of the burnt umber/ultramarine blue mix. The cloth needs to dry before glazing and further work is needed on the dish. Here's the current painting (click to zoom):

Step 3 Working up the cloth and dish details
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