Thursday 23 October 2008

New work: Candlestick and lime

I've just completed this new still life oil painting. Again this is oil on prepared plywood board. A glazing technique was used for the lime i.e. green transparent paints were applied over a yellow/white opaque underpainting. I used Winsor and Newton Liquin Light Gel in the underpainting and in the glazing medium, where it was mixed with Venice Turpentine. 

Still life with candlestick and lime. Oil on board. 18cm x 12cm. (c) Mike Todd 2008.

Saturday 11 October 2008

New work: Cider apples and brambles

I collected fallen apples from a nearby cider orchard (thank you Knight's Cider!) and some brambles (or blackberries for those non-Scots) and set up a still life in the studio. The painting below was painted on plywood board (Tintoretto panels from

Still life with cider apples and brambles. Oil on board. 18cm x 12cm. (c) Mike Todd 2008.