I've had a painting selected for the Midlands Open 2011 held at the
Tarpey Gallery in Castle Donnington. The selected work was 'Blues Guitarist' seen below at upper left. I went to see the exhibition today and I have to say it's one of the best I've seen for ages, with an eclectic mixture of work as expected from this type of exhibition. The high standard of the work on show, the thoughtful hanging and the gallery space itself make this a must see exhibition. It's great to see a small gallery getting it right, and great to see Midland's artists on good form.

I was tempted into buying a small study by
Jackie Berridge whose work I find both intriguing and playful. This painting is entitled 'Birds of a Feather' (see below) also on her website as 'Lovebirds'. I think I'll know it as Spring Fever.

The exhibition is on until Christmas eve, so there is no excuse for not seeing it and buying some unique Christmas presents to support Midland's artists.